Prime Factorization, Prime and Composite Numbers, and Factors Task Cards
Prime Factorization, Prime and Composite Numbers, and Factors Task Cards
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Have your students practicing factors, prime and composite numbers, and prime factorization with these math task cards. This set of 6th grade task cards has students finding the prime factorization of numbers, stating whether a number is prime or composite & why, listing factors for numbers, and using the prime factorization to find the number. These are perfect to add to your math centers or use as team relay for Fun Friday!
Prime & Factors Math Task Cards Includes:
32 task cards practicing prime factorization, prime & composite, and factors - color & b/w for print version
Teacher information
Recording sheet
Answer key
Digital versions
Ways to Use Task Cards:
Play Scoot
Hang the cards up around the room and have your students move to the cards and solve the problems
Use the cards with a generic game board
Place the cards in a center for students to complete
This resource is great for:
Math Centers, Math Stations
At Home Learning, Homework
Skill Practice or Review
Fun Friday
Small Groups
Sub Plans
**This is a digital download product. Nothing will be shipped to you.**