Converting Fractions Decimals and Percents Activity - Math Color Pages
Converting Fractions Decimals and Percents Activity - Math Color Pages
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Practice converting fractions, decimals, and percents with these printable math coloring pages. Students solve the fractions, decimals, and percents problems and use the code to color the picture. Fraction, Decimal, Percent Math Color Pages includes 6 problem/color sheets.
Best of 2020
What's Included:
Convert Decimals to Fractions (1 sheet)
Convert Decimals to Percents (1 sheet)
Convert Fractions to Decimals (1 sheet)
Convert Fractions to Percents (1 sheet)
Convert Percents to Decimals (1 sheet)
Convert Percents to Fractions (1 sheet)
Answer Keys for all
This resource is great for:
Distance learning
Independent work
Math Centers, Math Stations
At Home Learning, Homework
Skill Practice or Review
Provide practice and get engagement in math with these math color sheets.
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